I've been reading The Baby Whisperer today...trying to get ready to introduce solid foods to our 5 month old. Can she really be ready for that already? Matt and I were laughing because I was reading about the different types of babies....angel babies, touchy babies, grumpy babies, textbook babies, and spirited babies. We definitely have a spirited baby. Here's what it says about spirited babies:
ACTIVITIES: High energy, feisty, and very active. They are ready to jump into almost any situation, and exercise little impulse control or caution when they do. They are highly reactive and can be aggressive with peers. Because they're usually more cooperative in the morning, avoid afternoon play groups so they can wind down.
EATING: Babies can get impatient. If mom's too slow, she'll bob on and off, as if to say, "Hey, what gives?"
(**No picture of her eating...I know you'll appreciate that decision.)

SLEEP: As babies, they hate being swaddled, but you absolutely need to block out any visual stimulation. They tend to be resistant to naps or nighttime rituals, because they don't want to miss anything. If you're lucky, even though they sleep less in the morning, it will be followed by a long afternoon nap.

MOOD: When they want something, they want it now! Opinionated, very vocal, and often stubborn, their moods are mercurial, going quickly from happy to sad and back again. They love the action but also tend to overdo it, which can lead to a meltdown.
HOW THEY'RE OFTEN DESCRIBED: A handful. Always into something. I don't have the energy to keep up with her. She's fearless.

The author also goes on to say that spirited babies when handled properly are born leaders. They can become captains of sports teams in high school, and as adults, explorers and entrepreneurs who are fearless about plunging ahead where others have dared not go.
So there's a little insight into our daughter's personality... Sound like anyone else you know?????
That is so funny! I was a spirited baby myself and am wondering how Haven is going to turn out. Right now she is somewhere in between angel and spirited baby can't quite nail it down yet (its only been 10 days). Isn't that book amazing? Adam and I have been following it like the bible for babies. As well as praying like crazy people.
Hope you guys are doing well.
That cracks me up! HA I love that sweet girl. I need a Reese hug. I think she is one special spirited little girl.
Love you.
i love little spirited reese. she is going to do great things with that spirit of hers!
Awwww....she's a cute little spirited thing! Avery started cereal last night..and boy did she like it. I'm sure Reese will too. We will be taking them to Chick fila soon!
Love yall!
Hey Jenna! Lori (Tanner) Beck here! I also have a "spirited" baby!!! I'm so glad there is a name for it. :) And spritited doesn't sound too harse. :) Check us out at whatthebeck.blogspot.com!
Eli was (and still is) a spirited baby! Phoebe is different so you need to post what the rest of the types are...that way, I don't have to actually read the book. :) Hold on to your hat, Mom and Dad, it's going to be a crazy ride. Sometimes, Brad and I just shrug our shoulders and take a nap. Have fun!
loved the picture-personality tour. i am sure she will keep you on your toes!
oh yeah, that pic of her and truitt made me laugh out loud! that will be one to keep for when they are older.
Yes, she is! And beautiful too. She has a little tad from both spirited sides going for her! She is a trail blazer for sure. I enjoyed loving on her so much when we had our road trip. I have another one in the plans, are you up for it? I think maybe we have a driver this time and I'm getting a DVD for the car!
Love it:)! I think that pretty much sums up your precious daughter!!
Oh I love this blog. It really explains things well. "Spirited baby" is certainly a precious baby! But...I know how exhausted the parents of a spirited baby are. Oh, yes, I do remember. Just keep on going...keep on keeping on! Ya'll are doing great and Reese is a joy. Of course, a grandma can say that because she is not getting up at night and all the other 24-7 things you do! ha! Love ya'll, JoJo
Baby Bible is what I call that book. I used her info with Hudson and it worked great. I am big into routines so her EASY method is so great!
Reese is so cute, Jenna! I love seeing all her pictures!!
love it! You are so funny!
- kayci
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