And speaking of purchases, I did make a high-chair purchase today. Reese is now eating her green beans and sweet potatoes in this lovely contraption. I was hesitant to buy a high chair for our small apartment...but after a week of trying to feed her in her bumbo chair, I gave up and bought a high chair. Like I've said before, I have a spirited baby, and food was flying everywhere.
While we're on the subject of baby products, I'd like to share my new exercise ball!!!!

I wish I had thought of this when Reese was a newborn. I think it would have been a great way to calm her down. Reese has never really been a rocking-chair baby. As a newborn, sometimes the only way to calm my crying baby was sitting on the edge of the bed and bouncing up and down for (what seemed like) hours. This is also her favorite way to go to sleep...And now instead of trying to bounce her on the edge of the bed...while Matt tries to study in the corner, I have a portable bouncer which is great for any room in the house. It's also a workout at the same time. And as someone at church pointed out this week, I'll need to make sure I'm exercising my back muscles everyday to keep up with this baby...she's a growing girl, for sure!!
I'm sure you're ready to see pictures of Reese...instead of hearing about strollers, high chairs, and bouncy balls. I have a million pictures to post, but I'm still having issues with my computer. Every time I plug in my camera cord, it starts beeping and freezes up. I hope I can get it working this week...we'll see.
I like your purchase of a highchair. You did good. I just have a hard time realizing that she is big enough to sit in a chair to eat. Can't wait to see her. Hope you can come up for Jordan's soccer game. All is well on this end--hope the same is true of you and yours. Love to Matt and an extra hug and kiss for you and Reese/ Nana
I love the high chair! Its so cute. And where did you get the ball...I need one. I have an old one that Reid has kicked so many times I can't use it for ME anymore. It is now the neighborhood kickball. arg!
congrats on the big purchase! i'm so glad it is helping make things easier at your house. i ate tomato basil soup today and thought of you!
I also want a picture of you and Reese on the bouncy ball!
i'm not sure i would be coordinated enough to bounce a baby on a huge ball!
OK...and where exactly does the ball go and what does it do. I need more visuals. Do you sit on the ball and bounce Reese? OMG. My legs are twittering just thinking about that. I would have to have some classes before I could get on it. I have a vision of the ball flying up and me flying down.....please don't let me hold Reese while I try it.
That's the same high chair that we are getting! Yeah for new purchases! Enjoy the new bouncing ball, I always love using those when working out.
Such a good idea, the exercise ball! I am all over that idea. Thanks
Cute high chair. I bet Reese loves being able to sit up & see everything. I really bet she loves the bouncy ball. I saw a man on the news who was suing his gym because one of those things popped while he was on it lifting weights. So be careful, that would hurt so bad! Love you!
hey Jenna! This is the ist time I've gotten to your blog! You 3 look like a happy family! I can't believe Reese is already 5 months old! It seems like you 2 were just married! Take care and tell Matt hello for me!
Love, Aunt Rosalie
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