My sweet little 5-month old is outgrowing the carseat stroller. She doesn't like to be looking up at the sky when she rides. She wants to be in the middle of the action. So I think it's time to get a big-girl stroller. And so I'm trying to make a decision...there are too many options. Anybody have a great stroller they'd like to recommend?
Here's are things to consider... I'd like the stroller to be:
1. lightweight and easy to travel with - We'll be traveling overseas in a few months, and I want a stroller that I can use easily on an airplane or in a city.
2. comfortable - I want her to actually ride in it...unlike my recent trip to the mall where I pushed with one hand and held my 20 lb baby in the other hand.
3. big enough for her to grow into - I don't want to have to buy a new stroller in a year.
4. somewhat cute
5. I would like a place to store the diaper bag.
6. And I don't want to spend an arm and a leg. Or do I?
Am I asking too much???
Okay, so here are a few options I've found so far. I'll copy and paste the descriptions from the websites.
Stroller # 1 - The Kolcraft Contours Lite Plus Stroller - $70
Has a lightweight frame and low resistance sporty front swivel wheels which makes getting around town trouble free. i-Pod Dok allows parents and baby to enjoy their tunes anywhere. 
Lightweight frame
Includes iPod Dok with Speaker to Play iPod & iPod Mini
6" Front Single Swivel & 8" Rear Wheels for Easy Maneuvering
Free-stand fold
Easy trigger fold is convenient and quick
Multi-position reclining seat
Three-tier canopy
Removable parent cup holder keeps your drink close
Removable infant head rest with soft micro fleece fabric
Large under carriage basket for storage
Height adjustable 5 point harness with reflective trim

Lightweight frame
Includes iPod Dok with Speaker to Play iPod & iPod Mini
6" Front Single Swivel & 8" Rear Wheels for Easy Maneuvering
Free-stand fold
Easy trigger fold is convenient and quick
Multi-position reclining seat
Three-tier canopy
Removable parent cup holder keeps your drink close
Removable infant head rest with soft micro fleece fabric
Large under carriage basket for storage
Height adjustable 5 point harness with reflective trim
Stroller # 2
Here's another option. It's by the same company. You can look at the features. I like it because it's reversable. But it is more expensive ($130) and heavier
Stroller # 3 - Combi Cosmo EX Stroller- ($100)

Most of the reviews were good...but some people didn't like it because they kicked the wheels when walking and the basket is really small.
This stroller also got good reviews... and looks like it would be a good one.
Is this overwhelming for you too??????
Are you even still reading???
Ideal for transport and maneuverability, the Micro V2 Stroller from Silver Cross® features an extremely lightweight aluminum frame. This stroller compacts with one hand, perfect for the parent on the go. The 6in dual swivel front wheels are superior for ease of motion and child comfort. With a padded, spacious seat and reinforced backrest, the stroller also features UV-protected fabric and a Silver Cross® monogrammed carrying bag.
Okay...well those are 5 that I've looked at...and there are 1000 more just like it. Any others that I should look at? Or should I just buy a $10 umbrella stroller and be done with it??
The next blog will be about high-chairs...so start thinking about those too!
OH MY! Where are the young mothers that can help with this decision? I think I had two choices with ya'll...and I just picked one and struggled with opening it and closing it! ha! Strollers are so important, so I hope you find a great one! I'll be first in line to push Reese around the block. Love ya'll...Mom
We've got the umbrella stroller for $10 and it suits us just fine. You could always try it and if you don't like it...at least you only spent $10!! Don't plan on taking it jogging, though!
Now it's a good thing I got a cheap one since I now have a double stroller. (Think you'll need one soon???)
Hey Jenna! I have the Combi stroller that you pictured and like it okay; however, my one issue with it is that there is no good place for a diaper bag. Also, it doesn't have a cup holder, which is also kind of a downside because it is really hard to push the stroller through the mall with my Sonic drink. : ) Oh, and my husband doesn't like it because he thinks the handlebars are too low. Anyway, although it is okay, if I had to do it over, I wouldn't buy it again. Hope that helps! Reese is such a cutie!
My vote is to get something light enough to travel with but sturdy. The main consideration for traveling, for me, is what kind of car seat you're going to have for Reese abroad. They make ones that you can pull along (the wheels drop out and they have a handle), so if you're going to be investing in something like that, an umbrella stroller or cheaper stroller might be the answer. That's my travel-y opinion. Good luck! When do you guys leave?
I HATE the umbrella strollers. Eli had one and I swore that I would never use one again. We are kind of in the same place and I've looked at all the ones you've looked...with the same indecisions. I also want a good cup holder for the mom. Let me know what you end up getting because I have been trying to find a new one for about a month. (I'm pretty indecisive!)
Are you kidding? OF course I am still reading! I want to be a part of this experience. I cracked up on # 4. You are so like me sometimes........ however, I am really thinking about the following...
1. Can old people like your mom and I unfold it and get it out of the car by ourselves?
2. of course you want to be able to store the diaper bag but what about all the Steinmart sacks?
3. FOR sure cup holders!
I am with the Houston family though......what about waiting for a double stroller????? It won't be long and our little pooter will want a brother or sister. Just kidding because I know your life is on a schedule right now! I say go to the store...load her up and just push all the models around. Honestly. Traveling with it will make a big difference with the car seat and all. Love you guys.
Lynn has the right idea, if it's possible for you to go to the store and try them all out. Make sure that you try the closing part because for me it's huge that my stroller closes and all four wheels stay on the ground. I only like the umbrella stroller for quick in & out store trips- only because I would think that you would need a place for your diaper bag & ALL other goodies for long trips. I don't think you can go wrong with the Graco- I don't have that exact one but Graco has been good to me. Don't bye the double stroller yet, you can have mine when that time comes (Mason already thinks that he is too cool for it- he says "walk mommy!") Good Luck!
i meant don't BUY the double stroller- it's past my bed time!!
are we all making this harder on you with our different opinions? sorry! buy the umbrella stroller of your choice, use it for a couple of days and then go from there!!
once you find a good one, let me know if it comes as a double! : )
if it has a BIG basket and a DOUBLE cup holder...I say get it. Because I will need a place to put my drink when we walk the mall! HA
Good Luck. :) Love ya!
I am way beyond the stroller years, but I would suggest an umbrella stroller AND a nice big one if you can afford it at all.
I used the umbrella strollers for quick trips to the mall or short walks, and the big ones for long outings. The extra few dollars were worth it to me.
Reese is absolutely beautiful.
Hey Jenna...I read your blog, but don't comment too often. We have always gone with Graco and have been pleased with our single and double strollers. But, I would say like someone else did that you should go to the store and test drive...that's the best way to tell. Go up and down the aisles and manuever in between the clothes racks. You'll be able to tell a lot by doing that. Also, go for one that has lots of storage space. And if it doesn't come with cup holders, you can buy some to attach to the stroller. Well, that's my two cents. Reese is beautiful and I hope you and Matt are doing well!
Wow, sometimes there are just too many choices. I thinks Reese needs the most special one! I'll be right behind JoJo for my turn to push. Love you!
Let me know the findings of you research. I am clueless and can't wait to hear your findings. Love you all!!!!!
I have the graco metrolite. It's AWESOME!! It's super light weight (12 lbs I think) but it does everything the big strollers do. It has cup holders, great storage, and fully reclines as well as sits up. Not only that but they are come in super cute patterns. check out the graco website. I researched a bunch before getting it and asked every other mom I saw in public with one. They all loved theirs too. Anyways, just my 2 cents. good luck
Not to add another one to the bunch, but we have the peg perego "freestlye" or ari (or somethign like that). It is so light, easy to fold and unfold, and a smooth ride. It has a basket underneath for stuff and it has an attachment for cupholders. but is still not a big huge stroller, nice and compact. The cup holder things isn't the greatest, but it could work in a bind. Both of my sis in laws have it and love it. It isn't all that tall, but you don't kick the wheels when you walk (even if you run). SO anyways, I really like mine. Target.com THey only come in one color per year. THis year it is black wiht a little lime green..pretty cute. I'm acting like this is a commercial and i'm working on commission. So, I'm done now. Kanyon says to tell Reese that he likes a spirited woman! :)
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