Reese learned a new trick... We're so proud of her...
She might be a grouch when she's trying to go to sleep...but she sure is a cutie when she wakes up...
We've loved having aunt Jor just a short drive away this summer. She came to visit last weekend... And we had fun watching "Phantom of the Opera" and eating pizza...and brownies...and playing with Reese.
Before - Adoring the child...

And after...notice the spit up on the black dress. Way to go Reese...
And...I saved the best for last... Best Actress of the Year goes to...
Haha! That's great! What a wig. Good job, Jor. And Miss Reese is so cute when she wakes up. I wish I were that perky! I know she doesn't get it from her mom. ;)
I think Baby Phoebe is lazy. You are the second person to tell me that her baby (who is younger than Phoebe) can do the tripod sitting up thing. We also just learned to roll over last week...the child is almost five months old!! Baby Reese is precious!
i love her sitting up pose! it accentuates her cheeks so well. you know how much i love them! your girl is so precious. i love her and you!
You are in such big trouble. If i post now, will you remove that picture? Someday when i have a blog, ill be cool like you and mom and hollie and communicate bloggie style -- but until then, i just like looking at the pictures. If you post any part of the video, i'll spread rumors about you throughout ko jo kai. That'd be so embarrassing.
Wish I could have seen Jordan perform. At least, I heard a little of her beautiful song. Those pictures are hilarious!
Reese looks so much older now that she can sit up. She almost looks 6 months (that's for Matt). She's so cute!!
i bet it's a little easier to wake up in the morning when you know that sweet smile will be waiting for you! she's a cutie!
Well, I have one that beats prego pics. Matts sisters have pictures of me RIGHT after giving birth on their facebook. I am seeking revenge too.
Reese is sooooooooo cute. LOVE all the pictures of her!
Reese is precious!
Reese has grown so much---must be time for you to come and see us. That would be great. She is soooooocute. She looks just like her mom did at that age. We love you 3 so much. Nana
Ha! I think all younger sisters put pics on facebook without asking. Reese is precious! Love her precious smiles! Way to go for sitting up!
I can't believe Reese is big enough to start sitting up! She's so cute! Can't wait to see her again. Sorry I missed Jordan's play! Hope you have a video for me! I was excited to see her when she was in Ft.Worth! She's had a busy summer! We love ya'll!
This family has long been aware of Jor Jor's great talent as an actress. I have video to prove it all. If HillBilly rock ever comes back as a hit she is sure to be on American Idol. Reese is certainly fortunate to have her to model after. Reese needs to come to the ville too. Love you all.
Reese is such a cutie! Gotta get revenge where you can with those siblings.
OK, now you're behind...Jenny already posted, so I want to see some different pictures and stories on your blog! ;) Love ya!
I am dying...Reese is adorable! Love the pics!
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