Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Recipe for a fun-filled dinner

1 Silly one-year-old

Lots of yummy lasagna (which is the one-year-old's FAVORITE food right now)

1 sippy cup to throw on the floor

1 pair of mom's sunglasses...be sure to mix this with the yummy lasagna

3-4 smushed up grapes

Mix all ingredients together and serve while making scary faces...

This recipe is a sure-winner!


jody said...

At least she's eating a healthy diet! ha! Plus, JoJo cooked and that is always good for shock value. She's a sweetie pie! We want Brooks and Riley to come play with us. Love, JoJo

Kara said...

her faces crack me up!

JENNY said...

haha! I love those faces. Chris and I are laughing so hard right now.

Giggi said...

Ha ha!!! She is so cute. I really need to see this face in person! Come see me!!!

Heather's House said...

That scary face is priceless! Wish we could see y'all. Miss you. Macy has her recital coming up..we wish you could come. We miss you.

Love you.

EDS said...

ugh...she is SO stinkin' cute!!!

Chelsie Sargent said...

I love her face!!!

Kate said...

Where does she come up with those faces? Too funny!

jaymie said...

oh my gosh i love her. i can't imagine how crazy i'm going to be when i actually see her!!!!!!! I LOVE the face! I love the spunk! So does Kanyon!