Wednesday, October 15, 2008

45 minute naps????? No thank you!

We're on our 2nd week now of Reese only taking one 45 minute nap a day. It's killing me! Over the weekend she went back to taking 1 1/2 hour naps....but she quickly reverted back to a 45 minute nap on Monday. I'm so tired of hearing about other toddlers Reese's age taking 2 hour naps...or longer. Why won't my daughter sleep???? I think I'm going to blame it on Aunt Jor and Uncle Justin... She got her sleeping habits from them...and probably from her daddy too.


Heather said...

That actually makes me feel better. For the longest time, Emily would sleep for 40 minutes, tops. I slowly "trained" her to go back to sleep and she's been taking 1-2 hour naps for a while now. I just hope it continues!

Anonymous said...

Oh dear...
Bring her to Aunie Sarah Ann's house again...I think we need to have a talk. I'll teach her the Lackey way...all you do is close her eyes!!!!

Love you!

The Doty's Dish said...

you are just so cool that she wants to hang out with her mommy SO bad...and 45 minutes away is too much.

Lori said...

Hey-be thankful for the 45 minutes...Annalee only sleeps in the car, at school on her "nat nat" or standing in her crib for 10 minutes after she's cried herself into oblivion! Maybe I should bust out the napmat at home!

Lynn said...

They are called power naps. I do it too. It's hereditary. Sorry. LOVE YOU.

Kyla said...

Oh man, that's tragic. I will be very sad if Ava starts doing that. Right now she takes a 2-3 hr. nap every day! (Sorry, don't mean to rub it in.) :)