Monday, October 06, 2008

"Don't Mess With Me"

Make sure this girl has plenty of space when she wakes up from her nap. And don't mess with the paci or the baby either. She gets her perky wake-up attitude from her mother.


JENNY said...

I think she just really needs a huge hug from me.

jody said...

She just needs a little space. It's hard to wake up happy...don't we know it? She looks so big! I am missing all of you. Love, JoJo

Kyla said...

How funny! Ava also hates for anyone to mess with her paci right after she wakes up! Hey- are you by chance going to Abilene for homecoming? We'll be there. Hoped that maybe we'd see you. STILL haven't seen Reese in person!

Anonymous said...

Reese, I think your mother is telling tales about you. I know you never are in a baed mood. You just need to see your nans. Love to you and those other people that live with you. Nana

Kate said...

Yep. That face looks familiar!

christine pinson said...

i agree with kate that the face looks familiar!
we don't have any baby dolls in this house...but i do have two boys who are(sam)/were(jack) territorial with the paci!
i sure do miss you...can't wait for christmas!

jaymie said...

i wonder if she'll be delirious and confused right after she wakes her mommy! :)

LOVE this picture!

Leslie said...

uhm, that is so great! Love the picture. She is so serious. She gets cuter all the time.